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Nuclear Roundup: 7/19/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | July 19, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Moon Seeks 2020 Deal for Peace with Nuclear-Free North Korea

South Korea’s President May Be Just the Man to Solve the North Korea Crisis

A Template for Peace

United States

House bill keeps DOE Office of Science spending flat, increases NNSA funding

FY18 House E&W Bill

Why the U.S. Must Get Rid of Its Land-Based Nuclear Missiles

DHS presents plan to educate nuclear forensic experts for witness testimony to international partners

Could aging N.J. nuclear power plant be target for cybersecurity attack?


After Trump reluctantly certifies Iran is obeying nuclear deal, he slaps it with new sanctions

The Latest U.S. Sanctions Against Iran

Iran’s Rouhani says new U.S. sanctions violate nuclear accord: state TV

Trump’s Incoherent Iran Policy Could End Nuke Deal on the Worst Possible Terms

The U.S. and Iran are heading toward crisis

The Iran Trap

4 good reasons Trump shouldn’t scrap the Iran nuclear deal or goad Iran to pull out

Russia’s Next Super Weapons: Big Aircraft Carriers and Nuclear-Powered Destroyers?

The Senate’s biggest hypocrite on Russia

Japan taps tech to foil nuclear terrorism ahead of Tokyo Olympics

General Interest

An animation of global risk

The proliferation problem from hell

Veterans Call on U.S. to Sign Nuclear Ban Treaty

Researchers to study environmental, human impacts of nuclear war

Here’s One More Good Reason Not to Launch a Nuclear War

Compact, precise photon beam could aid in nuclear security, report says

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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