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Nuclear Roundup: 7/24/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | July 24, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Haass: Ten Lessons from North Korea’s Nuclear Program

Top U.S. military commander says at Aspen Security Forum potential conflict with North Korea would be ‘horrific’ loss of life

Dunford: Military option for North Korea not ‘unimaginable’

Imagining a ‘Finlandized’ Korea

64 years after Korean War, North still digging up bombs

United States

Coast Guard: Missile test could be conducted next weekend

Time to change US approach on the nuclear weapons ban treaty

3 reasons why America’s massive nuclear arsenal actually makes the world safer

NNSA: International Nuclear Security – Partnering for a Secure World

NNSA Spearheads International Effort to Convert Ghana Reactor to LEU Fuel

NNSA to Conduct Aerial Radiation Assessment Survey over Arlington, Virginia, Area

Savannah River Site Reaches Milestone in Supplying Tritium for National Defense

Federal lawsuit asks for environmental review of new UPF design

LANL Adds Capacity to Trinity Supercomputer for Stockpile Stewardship

Savannah River Tritium Facility triples extraction capacity

No easy answers for stabilizing Hanford radioactive waste tunnel


IAEA Director General Held Talks with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister

Trump Assigns White House Team to Target Iran Nuclear Deal, Sidelining State Department

If Trump Undermines the Iran Deal

Certifiably wrong about Iran’s compliance

Iran Deal: As Islamic Republic launches new missile line does Trump want out?

US within reach: China shows off new and improved advanced missile system

Russia Is Building Laser-Armed Nuclear ‘Combat Icebreakers’

Russia, not North Korea, greatest threat to U.S., says Pentagon’s top military officer

Why Russia’s ballistic-missile defense works and the US’s kinda doesn’t

Billions Could Die If India and Pakistan Start a Nuclear War

How ISIS nearly stumbled on the ingredients for a ‘dirty bomb’

Olli Heinonen: No strong will to create WMD-free Middle East

Brexit and the Future of UK Arms Transfer Controls

Teaching a Global Audience in Emergency Preparedness and Response Requirements

General Interest

United Nations Votes to Ban Nuclear Weapons. What Does This Mean for Defense Companies?

Revisiting the FMCT

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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