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Nuclear Roundup: 8/15/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | August 15, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

N Korea leader ‘briefed’ on Guam plan but opts to wait

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un appears to ease rhetoric in standoff over nuclear weapons

North Korea attack on Guam could ‘quickly escalate into war’ – James Mattis

U.S. General and South Korean Leader Push for Diplomacy on North Korea

Ukraine denies selling missile technology to North Korea

Perry: Diplomacy Is the Solution

Should the U.S. give up on a nuke-free North Korea?

Detecting underground nuclear tests in North Korea

United States

Markey continues push to require congressional approval for nuclear first strike

Nuclear Power’s Woes Imperil U.S. National Security, Moniz Says

DOE Secretary Rick Perry Visits the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Two board members question move by nuclear safety agency

Free potassium iodide pills offered to people near nuclear plants


Iran could restart nuclear programme within hours – Rouhani

Sen. Dianne Feinstein: Quitting Iran nuclear deal would undermine North Korea diplomacy

FactCheck: CIA Director Mike Pompeo distorts China’s nuclear policy

THAAD: Best A Bargaining Chip

Carry on, Korea: Is China smart, or just lucky?

Japan to seek assurance of U.S. defense pledge, including nuclear deterrence

General Interest

FAS Report: Nuclear Dynamics in a Multipolar Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense World

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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