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Nuclear Roundup: 11/17/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | November 17, 2017

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

SitRep: Pentagon officials open to talks with North Korea

US envoy says no communication, no signal from North Korea amid nuclear crisis

North Korea rules out negotiations on nuclear weapons

North Korea says it may give up nuclear weapons if US abandons them first

Senior Chinese envoy in North Korea amid chill in ties

North Korea’s submarine ballistic missile program moves ahead: Indications of shipbuilding and missile ejection testing

Two months without a North Korean missile test is a record for this year: Cause for hope?

What happens when North Korea launches

North Korean missiles still lack re-entry capability, Seoul says

United States

Russia has deployed a banned nuclear missile. Now the U.S. threatens to build one.

Downing North Korean missiles is hard. So the U.S. is experimenting.

Senate OKs defense bill, which presses for decision on pit work

Feinstein seeks contact with FBI informant in Russia nuclear bribery case

We have enough checks on the President’s power to order a nuclear strike

Perry/Cartwright: Spending less on nuclear weapons could actually make us safer

Keep open the window on nuclear labs’ work

When to shoot a nuclear bomb with your gun

Exporting power reactors: No way to fight proliferation


US allies frustrated by Trump as they lobby hard to keep Iran deal

Russia military’s new nuclear warplane will fly soon and that’s ‘good news’ for Putin

China’s nuclear weapons arsenal could grow massively

This is what a Chinese nuclear attack on America would look like

How Russia, Iran and China could ‘sink’ America’s nuclear submarines

Russia almost built an 85,000 ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

Director General’s closing remarks at International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at[email protected].

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