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Nuclear Roundup: 11/21/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | November 21, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Trump puts North Korea back on state sponsors of terrorism list to escalate pressure over nuclear weapons

South Korea, Japan welcome U.S. relisting North Korea as sponsor of terrorism

With technology, these researchers are figuring out North Korea’s nuclear secrets

North Korea’s nuclear tests pose radiation threats

The US Marines F-35 squadron is training to fight through nuclear war against North Korea

North Korea’s ‘ballistic submarine’: Will Kim’s gamble pay off?

United States

House advances measure to strengthen safety at nuclear sites

New Argonne National Laboratory director appointed

Observations on DOE and Army Corps Assessments of the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Contract

Carnegie Presentation: Approaches for managing the costs of U.S. nuclear forces, 2017 to 2046

Special Report: In modernizing nuclear arsenal, US stokes new arms race

Trump’s Pentagon wants to make nuclear weapons more ‘usable’

CBO’s nuclear weapons cost estimate is way too high ; Hint — bombers

FBI informant gathered years of evidence on Russian push for US nuclear fuel deals, including Uranium One, memos show

Donald Trump is LaVar Ball — with nuclear weapons

Someone besides the president should have the nuclear codes

US generals might stop Trump from an illegal nuclear strike—but who will save us from a legal one?

Editorial Yes, Trump with the nuclear codes is terrifying. But the threat of a first strike is a vital deterrent

Don’t kill the nuclear cruise missile


Forbes: Iran nuclear deal fix it or nix it

Russian nuclear facility denies it is source of high radioactivity levels

General Interest

What is an EMP bomb?

In 1956, Russia came close to starting a nuclear war


Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].

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