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Nuclear Roundup: 12/21/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | December 21, 2017

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

John Hamre’s memo on North Korea: Everyone just calm down

S. Korea’s nuclear envoy leaves for Japan for talks on N.K. nukes

Exclusive: US making plans for ‘bloody nose’ military attack on North Korea

CNO: North Korea ‘an unprecedented and urgent threat’

State Department disagrees with Trump adviser on North Korea diplomacy

NK likely to launch another ICBM, seek nuclear talks next year: think tank

What made North Korea’s weapons programs so much scarier in 2017

The North Korea deal

2018 is when something finally gives on North Korea

What is North Korea’s end game with its nuclear program?

United States

Prosecutors ask FBI agents for info on Uranium One deal

Heinrich, Udall, Luján: Plutonium pits report ‘inherently flawed’

Recovering radioactive nuclear sources

Sandia computer modeling aids solder reliability in nuclear weapons

Many Marshall Islanders living here still can’t get care to deal with U.S. nuclear fallout


Iran boasts global support for nuclear deal

Missing the forest, lying about the trees: Politico’s attack on the Iran deal

US hits Russian missile designer with export restrictions over treaty dispute

Russia spurns US allegations it violates nuclear arms pact

Wake up and smell the ruthenium

US accusations are unfounded: Pakistan

Nuke diplomacy answer to US concerns

Papers show ministry played down Chernobyl nuclear disaster

Saudi Arabia hopes to start nuclear pact talks with US in weeks

General Interest

5 ways the UN nuclear ban treaty is historic

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at[email protected].

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