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Nuclear Roundup: 1/22/2018

By Jodi Lieberman | January 22, 2018

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

South Korea’s Moon hopes inter-Korean thaw “opens door” for nuclear talks with US

CIA director Mike Pompeo on “crushing” foes amid shutdown, North Korean nuclear threat

Nuclear weapons did not embolden Pakistan: Drawing the right lessons for North Korea

A closed door for China leaves an open one for North Korea solution

United States

Science in limbo as US government shuts down

Donald Trump’s wrong-headed course on Iran

What a nuclear missile attack on Hawaii would look like

We don’t need a bigger nuclear button

After safety breaches, new Los Alamos director pushes for accountability at nuclear weapons lab


France’s Le Drian plans March trip to Iran after Trump ultimatum on nuclear deal

Spurned by Trump, Europeans ponder how to meet Iran ultimatum

ELN JCPOA delegation to Washington DC

How could EU retaliate if Trump quits Iran deal?

Destroying the Iran deal while claiming to save it

Iran nuclear problem must be re-visited

Russia’s Status-6: The ultimate nuclear weapon or an old idea that won’t die?

Leading constructor of nuclear subs wants to build more and quicker

Pifer: Russia denies it violates the INF Treaty. OK, show it (op-ed)

For Islam and against America: What fueled Pakistan’s nuclear black market?

NSG special group meeting

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].

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