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Nuclear Roundup: 1/8/2018

By Jodi Lieberman | January 8, 2018

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

Nikki Haley on Trump’s ‘nuclear button’ tweet: He must ‘keep Kim on his toes’

Threat of North Korean weapons testing lingers over talks with the South

Ban Ki-moon calls Trump’s North Korea tweets ‘a message from the international community’

Mike Pompeo doubts talks between North and South Korea will change Kim Jong Un’s position on nuclear weapons

How U.S. intelligence agencies underestimated North Korea

F-35’s could someday help kill North Korea’s nuclear missiles

In the nuclear standoff, ordinary North Koreans disappear

National security experts Morrell, Donilon on North Korea threat

North Korea may suddenly want talks because of how powerful it has become

United States

US security experts back Iran nuclear deal, as Trump faces deadlines

US working ‘to fix’ Iran nuclear deal: Tillerson

Trump faces pivotal decisions on Iran sanctions

Trump should kill the Iran Nuclear deal, for the dissidents and protesters

Is Trump stuck with an Iran deal he loathes?

Sea-based nuclear weapons

Trump’s first comprehensive review of US nuclear forces nearly complete: report

Trump is about to put his mark on the US nuclear arsenal

CDC briefing to focus on preparing for nuclear war

Clock resets for $1M-a-day fine against DOE for S.C. plutonium removal


Iran says it might reconsider cooperation with U.N. nuclear watchdog

Israel’s nuclear weapons program

Belgium asks Google to blur aerial images of nuclear weapons storage areas

Gilinsky/Sokolski: Reactors for Saudi Arabia are bad business and dangerous diplomacy

General Interest

Time to step off the nuclear tightrope

Necessity and proportionality beyond the nuclear threshold

Dr. Strangelove and the insane reality of nuclear command-and-control

Atoms for peace

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at[email protected].

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