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By Jodi Lieberman | March 30, 2018
A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.
North Korea
Japan seeking own North Korea summit as Abe risks being left out
Abe, Trump may no longer be in lockstep on North Korea
Kim family has made denuclearization vows in China before
Three takeaways from Kim Jong-un’s trip to China
China’s Trump card on North Korea
Two minutes to midnight: did the US miss its chance to stop North Korea’s nuclear programme?
United States
Three strikes means Bolton should be out
Iran nuclear deal “won’t outlast Trump’s first term” in office
The Bolton threat to the Iran nuclear deal
Despite faults, Iran nuclear deal works, Israeli military chief tells Haaretz
How Donald Trump could push Iran and Saudi Arabia to build nuclear weapons
Sandia researchers boost nuclear fuel transport test
“I’ll win”: Trump reportedly told Putin he would beat him in a nuclear arms race
Russia tests its new nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile
Nuclear security worries drive latest US penalties on Pakistan
South Korea’s navy leans toward Frances Barracuda-class nuclear attack submarine
Why would the South Korean navy be eyeing a nuclear submarine capability?
General Interest
Experience the power of a nuclear blast in your area
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Topics: Nuclear Roundup