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The Bulletin joins Covering Climate Now

By | September 11, 2019

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is proud to join over 220 news outlets from across the world in the Covering Climate Now (CCN) initiative by committing to heighten climate coverage in the week leading up to the UN Climate Action Summit on September 23, 2019.

The project, co-founded by Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, is an important step in a much-needed direction. As the Bulletin has reported, many of the largest news organizations haven’t been telling the climate story with appropriate urgency and attention. And when they report on events related to climate change, they aren’t making the necessary links for viewers and readers.

By making the influential voices who write for the Bulletin available to a range of online and print media through CCN, we’re helping to put innovative thinking in front for policymakers and the public. Together, we’re breaking the climate silence.

Stay tuned for a week of extra-intensive climate coverage from September 16-23, including new Bulletin articles from MacArthur “Genius” Fellow Peter Gleick, Bulletin columnist Dana Nuccitelli, and free access to all five geoengineering articles in the September issue of the Bulletin magazine, with pieces from former IPCC report lead author Ray Pierrehumbert, and president of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development Durwood Zaelke.

Thank you for continuing to stay engaged in the face of one of the most pressing threats of our time, and for joining us in this collaborative effort to identify and confront the ways in which man-made threats are reshaping our future.

Read our climate coverage now:

A modest proposal: Nationalize Greyhound
Joel M. Batterman

Just how bad is my air travel for the climate? And what should I do?
Elena Bennett, Navin Ramankutty, Lior Silberman

Researchers think they know what’s causing record water levels on and flooding around the Great Lakes: climate change
Matt Field

Protecting the environment in times of war
Peter Gleick

Greta Thunberg is a painful reminder of decades of climate failures
Dana Nuccitelli

Tilting toward windmills
Dan Drollette Jr

Meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by the White House
Oliver Milman

Why we should care about the upcoming UN Climate Action Summit
Mark Hertsgaard

Climate reporting’s new start
Mark Hertsgaard, Kyle Pope

There is no Plan B for dealing with the climate crisis
Raymond T. Pierrehumbert

What if the Arctic melts, and we lose the great white shield? Interview with environmental policy expert Durwood Zaelke
Dan Drollette Jr

The entwined Cold War roots of missile defense and climate geoengineering
Jürgen Scheffran

Dominic Woolf: Studying soil and biochar for carbon dioxide removal
Dawn Stover

The world can support far more trees. Planting them can reduce carbon pollution a lot: An interview with professor Tom Crowther
Matt Field



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