An interview about the 2024 election with Harper Reed, chief technology officer for Obama 2012

By John Mecklin | September 5, 2024

Nine months before the the start of the Civil War, painter Frederick Church released his painting “Twilight in the Wilderness” to great fanfare in New York City. At a time before modern entertainment, the premiere of this five-foot wide painting was a major media event. Ever since, historians have looked to it as a portent of events that were to come. According to the Cleveland Museum of Art, "the painting's subject can be perceived as symbolically evoking the coming conflagration; indeed, one scholar has memorably described the painting as a 'natural apocalypse. ' " Image courtesy of The Cleveland Museum of Art.

An interview about the 2024 election with Harper Reed, chief technology officer for Obama 2012

By John Mecklin | September 5, 2024


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