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Nuclear Roundup: 7/6/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | July 6, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Crunch time over North Korea as G20 leaders meet

Trump Twists in The Wind as North Korea’s Nuclear Capability Grows

Trump pledges to act on North Korean threat

U.S. singles out China in response to North Korea ICBM test

UK’s Johnson says China must put pressure on North Korea – BBC

The right way to play the China card on North Korea

Can US defend against North Korea missiles? Not everyone agrees

U.S. Spends Billions on Missile Defense, Still Can’t Reliably Stop a North Korean Attack

Trump bet that China would ‘fix’ North Korea looks like a loser

Experts: North Korea missiles probably can’t reach Alaska

Kristof: Five Blunt Truths About the North Korea Crisis

The Biggest North Korea Threat of Them All: A Hydrogen Bomb

United States

Don’t assume Trump is more responsible with nuclear weapons than North Korea

North Korea’s ICBM test raises stakes on US homeland defense amid ‘gap in capabilities’


Donald Trump Is a Walking, Talking Argument for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons


Losing an Enemy

Does Australia need an antimissile system?

European Nuclear Weapons Program Would Be Legal, German Review Finds

Pakistan Enhances Range of Controversial ‘Tactical’ Nuclear Weapon

Reif: At Trump-Putin Meeting, Start with New START

Poised to outlaw nuclear weapons for the first time

Sixth MOX nuclear shipment leaves France for Japan

General Interest

After midnight: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ special issue on the aftermath of the use of nuclear weapons

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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Topics: Nuclear Roundup

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