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Nuclear Roundup: 7/25/2017

By Jodi Lieberman | July 25, 2017

A compilation of quality nuclear policy news published on the Web, around the world.

North Korea

Seoul carefully watching NK missile activity amid reports of ‘unusual activities’

US sees more signs North Korea is preparing another missile test

North Korea threatens to strike U.S. with ‘powerful nuclear hammer’

North Korea faces famine as Kim Jong Un builds nuclear missiles to attack the U.S.

Was North Korea’s July 4th Surprise a Mobile Launched ICBM?

US–China cooperation on North Korea remains critical

Nuclear weaponry acts more like a shield than missile

Duck and cover 2.0: How North Korea is prompting new efforts to prepare for a nuclear attack

Three ways the US can prevent Kim Jong-un’s nuclear missiles from taking off

United States

Donald Trump Has His Finger on the Nuclear Button. Maybe We Should Do Something About That.

House to Vote on Russia-Iran-North Korea Sanctions Bill; Will Trump Sign It?

Senate committee OK’s funds for key LANL programs

U.S. Reps urge DOE to jumpstart naval bomb-grade uranium program

New Sandia program to honor first female director


Iran in no mood to renegotiate nuclear deal

Iran Can ‘Satisfy’ US by Restricting IAEA Inspection: Larijani

For China’s Global Ambitions, ‘Iran Is at the Center of Everything’

Iran nuclear deal is working: Editorial

Dump the Iran deal

Edelman/Wald: How Trump should handle Iran

Dalton: How not to talk about nuclear weapons

Video: Finnish Navy and Yle follow Russian nuclear submarine (1)

General Interest

How Russia won the nuclear arms race against the U.S.

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].


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