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Nuclear Roundup: 3/26/2018

By Jodi Lieberman | March 26, 2018

A daily roundup of quality nuclear policy news.

North Korea

John Bolton’s radical views on North Korea

Why killing the Iran deal makes Trump’s North Korea talks much, much harder

Former defense secretary: I’m skeptical about Trump-Kim Jong-un meeting

Obama: North Korea’s nuclear program is “a real threat”

Hecker podcast with Santa Fe Council on International Relations

North Korea and the problem of managing emerging nuclear powers

What Trump’s new national security adviser means for Iran and North Korea

Analysis: Bolton’s appointment ups odds of war

NADA general satellite control building

United States

Energy Secretary Rick Perry promises more triggers for nuclear weapons

US nukes will be useless without more plutonium, military warns

Exclusive: Inside the base that would oversee a US nuclear strike

In Trump’s first year, the US nuclear arsenal shrank to its smallest size since early 1956

This is how much it will cost to build low yield nukes for Navy missile submarines

US lawmakers launch bill bolstering nuclear proliferation safeguards

Watch: FBI informant says US had evidence to block billions in nuclear deals for Russia

What hiring John Bolton could mean for the Iran agreement

When the US withdraws from the Iran nuclear deal, expect three stark consequences


Ex-defense minister says John Bolton pushed for Israeli strike on Iran

Nightmare avoided: Did Israel’s Air Force stop Syria from getting nuclear weapons?

The Saudi nuclear program: Here’s what should worry Israel and Trump

US sanctions Pakistani companies over nuclear trade

Syria has continued developing nuclear program, Arab site says

Red glare: The origin and implications of Russia’s “new” nuclear weapons

Russia’s nuclear powered cruise missile

Send Jodi Lieberman items of interest for the Nuclear Roundup at [email protected].

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