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Invitation: Annual Dinner and Meeting

By | September 11, 2019

Join Us in Chicago!

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

invites you to our

2019 Annual Dinner and Meeting 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

University Club of Chicago
76 E. Monroe
Chicago, IL 60603

Dinner speakers include:

Eric Horvitz
Technical Fellow and Director, Microsoft Research Labs

Lifetime Achievement Awardee: William J. Perry
Former US Secretary of Defense; Chair, Bulletin Board of Sponsors

Kate Hewitt and Erin Connolly
2018 recipients of the Leonard M. Rieser Award

Honorees: Bulletin Governing Board directors
Austin Hirsch, Lowell Sachnoff, and law firm ReedSmith LLC


Afternoon Meeting speakers include our Science and Security Board and other leading science and policy experts:

Plenary Session:

William J. Perry

Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Former US Secretary of Defense; Chair, Board of Sponsors, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Former Governor, State of California; Executive Chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Discussion Sessions:

Asha M. George
Executive Director, Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense

Brett Goldstein
Senior Fellow in Urban Science, University of Chicago

Sivan Kartha
Senior Scientist, Stockholm Environmental Institute; member, Science and Security Board, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Robert Latiff
Major General (Ret.), US Airforce; Adjunct Faculty Member, John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values, University of Notre Dame; Research Professor, George Mason University

Steven Miller
Director, International Security Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; member, Science and Security Board, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Judith Reppy
Professor Emerita and Graduate School Professor, Department of Science and Technology, Cornell University

Robert Socolow
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University; member, Science and Security Board, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Elizabeth Talerman
Managing Partner, Brand and Organizational Strategy, The Nucleus Group

Mika Tosca
Assistant Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Affiliate Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Thank you to our 2019 major sponsors:

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