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Thanks + 75th Anniversary Dinner highlights

By | November 19, 2020

We are immensely grateful to you, members of our Bulletin community, for making our virtual 75 Years and Counting Anniversary Dinner a resounding success!

Program highlights included inspiring words from former Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Environment Yoriko Kawaguchi, a conversation with Rieser Award recipients past and present, and a moving toast to the Bulletin’s 75 years of bringing evidence-based journalism and actionable ideas around the man-made threats of nuclear weapons, climate change, and disruptive technologies.

Guests engaged in chats with renowned experts like Beatrice FihnLisa RandallDuyeon Kim, and Bulletin Science and Security Board members like Susan SolomonDaniel Holz, and Asha George–and discussed what to expect in the coming year due to changes in the White House and a resetting of the global agenda.

Former California Governor Jerry Brown spoke of his work as the Bulletin’s executive chair and left the audience with an inspiring call to wake up the world to the Bulletin’s mission.

Watch the main program videos to hear remarks from Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson, Yoriko Kawaguchi, Jerry Brown, and former Secretary of Defense William Perry.

There’s still time give to the Revelle Match Challenge. Double your impact by making a gift before November 26th!

Carnegie Corporation of New York • Holthues Trust • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • Ploughshares Fund

Axiom Consulting Partners • William and Eleanor Revelle


Anonymous • John and Carol Balkcom • The Crown Family • Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler • David Kuhlman and Martha Esch • Phil Kurschner

Alvin H. Baum Family Fund • Marjorie Craig Benton • Austin Hirsch and Beth Gomberg-Hirsch • Robert D. LoPrete • Debra Petrides Lyons • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • Bob and Eleanor Meyers • William J. Perry • Steve Ramsey and Ann Jones • Lowell Sachnoff and Fay Clayton

And a special thank you to those who made it possible for over 45 students and educators to participate this year!

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