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Six memorable climate change pieces from 2018

By Dan Drollette Jr | December 26, 2018

ice-covered red berryIce-covered berry. Pixabay from Pexels, Creative Commons License.

This is the time of year when you find yourself sending and receiving holiday cards, going through photos, digging out decorations from the attic, and exchanging emails with long-lost friends. Inevitably, midway through all the cardboard boxes, you find yourself reflecting on all that has happened throughout the year—and it’s always amazing just how much has occurred, and how many cool little goodies are tucked away and nearly forgotten from the past 12 months. (As in: “Wow, I forgot I picked that up on vacation.”)

The same is true when going through the Bulletin’s attic of climate change stories from 2018. It’s impossible to include all the gems from our files from this year, but here are some goodies that made an impression. If you want to see more, you can always scroll to the bottom of the home page and click on the “Climate Change” box under “Browse the Bulletin by Topic.”


Hot but not bothered: Major media are ignoring the climate crisis Dawn Stover

In the midst of record-breaking heat waves and wildfires, fewer than half of all Americans view global warming as a serious personal threat. A big reason for that: Many journalists are not doing their jobs.

Say WHAT? Ryan Zinke’s rough interior Thomas Gaulkin

Secretary Ryan Zinke is at the forefront of the Trump administration’s mission to extract resources from public lands. In the first episode of a new Bulletin  series on the devaluation of expertise in government policy, UCLA environmental law professor Sean Hecht reacts to the unscientific statements and decisions coming out of the Department of the Interior.

Desertification was supposed to be the 'greatest environmental challenge of our time.' Why are experts now worried about greening?

Florence and the 5 stages of climate change acceptance Dan Drollette Jr.

Now that we’ve gotten through Hurricane Florence, Americans should be completely up to speed when it comes to dealing with disasters that have been amplified by anthropogenic climate change, right?

Little Ice Age? No. Big Warming Age? Yes. Dana Nuccitelli

The ‘imminent mini ice age’ myth rears its ugly head in the conservative media like clockwork every year or two. But every single part of the myth is wrong.

Climate report understates threat Mario Molina, V. Ramanathan, Durwood J. Zaelke

Dire as it is, the latest IPCC report largely ignores what may be the most significant climate risk: self-reinforcing climate feedback loops pushing the planet into chaos beyond human control. So says a team of climate experts, including the winner of the 1995 Nobel for his work on depletion of the ozone layer.

Day Zero: Lessons from Cape Town’s crisis Interview with Peter Gleick

Water expert and MacArthur “genius” award winner Peter Gleick says we can learn much from watching what happens with South Africa’s water shortage. Biggest lesson: The cheapest source of new water is not actually new water.

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