November 12, 2020
75th Anniversary Dinner
The Bulletin's anniversary dinner was an interactive virtual experience! Guests were immersed in small “virtual tables” for conversations with leading experts in the fields of nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies.
Did you miss the conversations? Watch the videos from the main program, and we'll see you next year!
Thank you to our 2020 sponsors!
Carnegie Corporation of New York
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Holthues Trust
Ploughshares Fund
Axiom Consulting Partners
William and Eleanor Revelle
John and Carol Balkcom
The Crown Family
Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler
David Kuhlman and Martha Esch
Phil Kurschner
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Marjorie Craig Benton
Austin Hirsch and Beth Gomberg-Hirsch
Robert D. LoPrete
Debra Petrides Lyons
Bob and Eleanor Meyers
William J. Perry
Steve Ramsey and Ann Jones
Lowell Sachnoff and Fay Clayton
Buy a Table
75 Years and Counting Anniversary Dinner
Each of our virtual tables will feature two "provocateurs" who will lead the discussions--established and up-and-coming experts in the fields of nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies.
Table hosts receive priority in selecting their provocateurs. Table hosts ($5K and above) are able to select two provocateurs to join their guests throughout the evening: one during the virtual dinner course, and another over a virtual dessert. Each session will run approximately 40 minutes. Titanium and Platinum level supporters receive the earliest selection opportunities.
As the host, you or your designated guest will also introduce the provocateurs and assist in leading the table conversations. Think of it as a stimulating conversation over your entrée.
Table Benefits
Titanium - $50,000
- Two virtual tables of ten at the 75th Anniversary
- First choice opportunity to select two provocateurs to lead discussions at each table
- Lead sponsor podium and video screen recognition during the event; on the Bulletin website; in the 2020 Annual Report
- Invitations to future salon dinners, private Bulletin events, and limited-attendance virtual offerings
- Complimentary one-year Bulletin Magazine subscriptions for you and your guests
- Commemorative 75th Anniversary wine glasses delivered to your guests
Platinum - $25,000
- Virtual table of ten at the 75th Anniversary
- First choice opportunity to select two provocateurs to lead discussions at each table
- Lead sponsor podium and video screen recognition at the Anniversary Dinner; on the Bulletin website; in the 2020 Annual Report *
- Invitations to future salon dinners, private Bulletin events, and limited-attendance virtual offerings
- Complimentary one-year Bulletin Magazine subscriptions for you and your guests
- Commemorative 75th Anniversary wine glasses delivered to your guests
Gold - $10,000
- Virtual table of ten at the 75th Anniversary
- Priority to select two provocateurs to lead discussions at your table
- Prominent recognition during the event and video screen at the Anniversary Dinner; on the website; in the 2020 Annual Report
- Invitation to future salon dinners, private Bulletin events, and limited-attendance virtual offerings
- Complimentary one-year Bulletin Magazine subscriptions for you and your guests
- Commemorative 75th Anniversary wine glasses delivered to your guests
Silver - $5,000
- Virtual table of ten at the 75th Anniversary
- Choice of two provocateurs for your table to lead discussions
- Recognition on event video screen; on the Bulletin website; in the 2020 Annual Report
Let us know how we can assist! The above sponsor opportunities can be customized to your needs. We would be delighted to help you fill your table to incorporate special guests, educators, and students.
Individual Tickets
Supporter Ticket - $250
- Join other guests at a 75th Anniversary table
- Preference of discussion topics: Nuclear, Climate, or Disruptive Technologies
Special Offer - Organize a group of ten or more and we will ensure an exclusive table for your guests with provocateurs provided to lead discussions at your own virtual table
Sponsor an Educator or Student - $250
- Underwrite an educator or student to attend the 75th Anniversary event
See the Program and Table Experts pages for the full list of speakers.