The authoritative guide to ensuring science and technology make life on Earth better, not worse.

It's the Bulletin's 75th anniversary!

75th Anniversary Dinner

November 12, 2020 - SOLD OUT!

We are immensely grateful to members of our Bulletin community for making our virtual 75 Years and Counting Anniversary Dinner a resounding success! Program highlights included inspiring words from former Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Environment Yoriko Kawaguchi, a conversation with Rieser Award recipients past and present, and a moving toast to the Bulletin's 75 years of bringing evidence-based journalism and actionable ideas around the man-made threats of nuclear weapons, climate change, and disruptive technologies.

Watch the highlight reels below to hear remarks from Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson, Yoriko Kawaguchi, Jerry Brown, and former Secretary of Defense William Perry.

Scenes from the 2020 Anniversary Dinner

Celebrating the Bulletin's 75th Anniversary
Welcoming remarks from Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson
Keynote speaker Yoriko Kawaguchi, former Japanese
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Environment.
2019 Rieser Award recipient Haven Coleman is joined by past recipients to discuss their work and the Bulletin's Next Generation program.
 William J. Perry, former US Secretary of Defense and the Bulletin's Board of Sponsors chair, toasts to the Bulletin's 75th Anniversary.
Closing remarks from Bulletin executive chair and former Governor of California Jerry Brown

2020 Anniversary Dinner Program

Keynote Speaker Yoriko Kawaguchi

5:00 pm US Central

Yoriko Kawaguchi is a fellow at the Musashino Institute for Global Affairs and a visiting professor at Musashino University. She is a former Japanese diplomat and politician, having served as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2002-2004 and Minister for the Environment from 2000-2002. She also served as a Member of the House of Councilors for the Liberal Democratic Party from 2005-2013, and as an economist at the World Bank. She is a distinguished fellow of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research and serves as an advisory board member for various international non-profit organizations. Together with former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, Professor Kawaguchi co-chaired the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.

Virtual Table Session #1

5:20 pm US Central

Join your tables for Session #1. See our list of provocateurs on the Table Experts page.


Virtual Table Session #1

Join your tables for Session #1. See our list of provocateurs on the Table Experts page.

Bulletin Next Generation

6:00 pm US Central

The Bulletin named Haven Coleman its 2019 Leonard M. Rieser Award recipient for a powerful article she co-authored, "Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike."

The Rieser Award is the capstone of the Bulletin’s Next Generation Program, created to ensure that new voices, steeped in science and public policy, have a trusted platform from which to address existential challenges. It is named for physicist Leonard M. Rieser (1922-1998), board chair at the Bulletin from 1984 until his death in 1998.


75th Anniversary Toast, William J. Perry

William J. Perry served in the Clinton administration as the 19th Secretary of Defense for the United States. In 2007, Perry, George Shultz, Sam Nunn, and Henry Kissinger together formed the Nuclear Security Project, articulating practical steps to reduce nuclear dangers. He founded the William J. Perry Project in order to engage and educate the public on nuclear threats, and published My Journey at the Nuclear Brink, a personal account of his lifelong effort to reduce the possibility of nuclear catastrophe. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1997) and the Knight Commander of the British Empire Award (1998). In 2020, he co-authored THE BUTTON: The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump. Perry is the chair of the Bulletin’s Board of Sponsors.


Virtual Table Session #2

6:20 pm US Central

Join your tables for Session #2. See our list of provocateurs on the Table Experts page.

Closing Remarks, Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown

7:00 pm US Central

Jerry Brown began his career in public service in 1969 as a trustee for the LA Community College District; became California Secretary of State in 1970; and Governor of California in 1974 and 1978. Brown was elected Mayor of Oakland in 1988 and California Attorney General in 2006. He was elected to a third gubernatorial term in 2010 and a fourth term in 2014. Brown has lectured and traveled widely, practiced law, served as chairman of the California Democratic Party, and run for US president. He attended the University of California, Berkeley, and earned a JD at Yale Law School. Brown is executive chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Watch a personal message from former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to honor the Bulletin's work and mission.
Watch a special invitation from Christine Todd Whitman, former New Jersey Governor and EPA administrator.

The Details