November 12, 2020
75th Anniversary Dinner
The Bulletin's anniversary dinner was an interactive virtual experience! Guests were immersed in small “virtual tables” for conversations with leading experts in the fields of nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies.
Did you miss the conversations? Watch the videos from the main program, and we'll see you next year!
Welcome to a virtual dinner experience
Overview of the Event Program
Please see the program page for more details regarding the evening’s speakers.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
(Note: All times below are US Central time.)
4:30 pm - Online Event Opens. We encourage you to join at this time.
5:00 pm - Live Program begins with Welcome and Keynote Remarks
5:20 pm - Dinner Table Conversation #1 (pre-arranged small group session)
6:00 pm - Rieser Award Presentation and 75th Anniversary Toast
6:20 pm - Dinner Table Conversation #2 (pre-arranged small group session)
7:00 pm - Closing Remarks and Live Program Ends
See the Program and Table Experts pages for the full list of speakers.