Search results for nuclear notebook

Global Nuclear Stockpiles, 1945-2000

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons have been produced in the world? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris … Continued

Appendix B: Deployments by Country, 1951-1977

Nuclear Notebook: A history of nuclear deployments To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris of the Nuclear Information Project … Continued

World Plutonium Inventories

Nuclear Notebook: How much plutonium has been stockpiled by nuclear nations? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris of … Continued

French and British Nuclear Forces, 1999

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does the United Kingdom and France have? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. … Continued

Chinese Nuclear Forces, 1999

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does China have? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris of the Nuclear … Continued

Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, End of 1998

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does Russia have? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris of the Nuclear … Continued

U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces, End of 1998

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does the United States have? To download a free PDF of this complete article, click this link. To read an authoritative accounting of world nuclear arsenals, click here for all Nuclear Notebook columns. The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by William M. Arkin and Robert S. Norris of … Continued

Decision to keep nuclear weapons data classified hurts US national security

Hans Kristensen explains why it is more dangerous for the United States to keep the 2018 nuclear stockpile data classified then it is to make it public.

Watch now—The UK’s new nuclear posture: What it means for the global nuclear order

Watch the Bulletin virtual program, “The UK’s new nuclear posture: What it means for the global nuclear order” featuring Hans Kristensen and Heather Williams in conversation with Julian Borger.  

Special Issue: The Global Competition for AI Dominance

Special Issue: The global competition for AI dominance  The Bulletin’s May/June issue on the global competition for dominance in artificial intelligence (AI) is now available. Here’s a sneak peek at John Mecklin’s introduction. Also in this issue you’ll also find an interview with Greg Jaczko, former director of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and a brand-new Nuclear Notebook: United … Continued

Special Issue: Conservatives and Republicans for climate action

The March/April issue is available! Polls make it clear that the American public as a whole, including a majority of Republicans, accepts the science of climate change. Still, congressional Republicans aren’t eager to agree. In the March magazine, the Bulletin talks with Republicans and conservative Christians who do support climate action about how they reconcile their politics with the scientific reality … Continued

Hanoi Summit: Read up on US-NK relations

What next for the US and North Korea? On Wednesday, President Trump will meet Kim Jong-un for a second summit, this time in Hanoi, Vietnam. Dive into nuclear policy and the Korean peninsula to learn what can and can’t be achieved in this round of negotiations, and what should be at the top of the … Continued

Magazine free-access ends soon

Read the January special issue while you can  The nuclear modernization craze has been on the minds and in the conversations of nuclear policy experts all over the world in recent weeks. As nonproliferation agreements like the INF Treaty are set aside, nuclear weapons states are not only modernizing existing systems, but building new ones … Continued

Special Issue: Nuclear modernization

The January/February issue is available! A worldwide craze of nuclear modernization is proving costly and, in the view of some experts, constitutes a new and dangerous global nuclear arms race. An important new issue of the Bulletin‘s subscription magazine addresses topics critical to the 116th Congress: the astonishing complexities of the US modernization program, its influence on … Continued

Special Issue: Existential Nexus

The November/December issue is available! The extraordinarily fast-paced advance across the world’s scientific and technological enterprise constitutes a defining characteristic of the 21st century. In this issue of the Bulletin, leading experts explore how these quickly-changing technologies increasingly intersect with one another and, as they do, pose new types of global threats. SPECIAL ISSUE: Existential nexus: … Continued

Special Issue: Trust, but verify

The September/October issue is now available! Over the last year, North Korean nuclear weapons and missile testing have dominated the headlines, as has the precarious status of the Iran nuclear deal. Nuclear weapons are back in the minds of citizens everywhere, along with questions about how arms control and nonproliferation efforts are monitored. In our September/October … Continued
July/August issue on missile defense

Special issue on missile defense, and a brand new website

The July/August issue is now available! Driven by varying (mis)perceptions of the motives and capabilities of their adversaries, the United States, China, and Russia are pursuing their own versions of missile defenses. In this issue, we look at this expensive, ineffective, and potentially destabilizing international pursuit with the help of an extraordinary lineup of the … Continued
A new special issue on sea- level rise

A Bulletin special issue on the ever-rising seas

The May/June 2018 Issue: The wages of climate inaction: Ever-rising seas The science behind sea-level rise has long been understood, and a recent study has found that by the year 2300, sea levels will be 8 inches higher for every 5 years that carbon dioxide levels keep rising. Exactly what happens, and when, will be … Continued

A Bulletin special issue on the ever-rising seas

Explore our deep dive into sea-level rise. What does “average global sea-level rise” mean, and what are the global and regional consequences when all the ice melts on the far-away West Antarctic Ice Sheet?

Resilience and the climate threat, guest-edited by Alice C. Hill

In early February, the Trump administration unveiled a $1.5-trillion infrastructure plan that has received criticism on several fronts. Chief among the complaints is a lack of planning for civil and infrastructure disruptions resulting from extreme weather and a changing climate. But the Trump administration isn’t unique in this regard: studies indicate that governments around the world underinvest in infrastructure resilience by at least 70 percent. But what do we mean when we say “resilience?” And who benefits from efforts that do exist?