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Additional Reading
Abt, R., Abt, K.L., Cubbage, F.W., and Henderson, J.D. 2010. “Effect of policy-based bioenergy demand on southern timber markets: a case study of North Carolina.” Biomass and Bioenergy. 34, 1679– 1686.
Abt KL, Abt RC, Galik C. 2012. “Effect of bioenergy demands and supply response on markets, carbon, and land use.” Forest Science. 58, 523– 539.
Galik, C., and Abt, R. 2015. “Sustainability guidelines and forest market response: an analysis of European Union pellet demand in the southeastern United States.” GCB Bioenergy 8(3):658-669.
Khanna, M., Dwivedi, P., and Abt, R. 2016. “Is Forest Bioenergy Carbon Neutral or Worse Than Coal? Implications of Carbon Accounting Methods.” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. 10:299-346.
Lubowski, R.N., Plantinga, A.J., and Stavins, R. 2003. “Determinants of Land-Use Change in the United States: 1982-1997.” Discussion Paper 03-47. Resources for the Future. Washington, DC.
Stafell, Ian, 2017. “Measuring the progress and impacts of decarbonized British Electricity.” Energy Policy. 102:463-475
I’m a proponent of the use of biomass, especially wood gasification for more than 50 years.
Mainly for the combined production of electricity and heat.
Lately, it becomes more and more the link between the intermittent sources of solar and wind energy production.
Keep up the good work, except do not promote more nuclear energy production. We have already over 1600 metric tonnes of highly radioactive waste, on this earth, and nobody has a real solution to what to do with it, for the next 100 000 years.