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Target Sochi: The threat from the Caucasus Emirate

Perhaps the world's most capable terror group threatens the Winter Olympics, which coincides with two grim anniversaries of Russian atrocities against people in the North Caucasus.

Dave Lochbaum

Radiological Terrorism: A Sochi surprise?

There are real reasons to be alert to the possibility of a dirty bomb at or near the Olympics.

Nuclear plant decommissioning

Dave Lochbaum, director of the Nuclear Safety Project at the Union of Concerned Scientists, explains how nuclear plants are decommissioned in the United States. 

Nuclear terrorism: An old worry made new

Decades before Sochi, the Bulletin had concern that terrorists might obtain nuclear material. 

Not just Oppenheimer: How other scientists tried to change nuclear weapons policy for the better

With Oppenheimer (the movie) poised to receive many Academy Awards tonight, let’s remember the many other scientists who tried to change nuclear weapons policy for the better.

The NRC must see itself as a regulator first, not an industry booster

David Lochbaum wants to inject new blood into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff to stiffen enforcement of its safety rules. The composition of NRC technical staff is not the problem–they are a professional lot, as good as you will find in the federal government. Not surprisingly, though, they are responsive to priorities set at … Continued

Oriente Medio: culpable de mi insomnio debido a la seguridad nuclear

Por la noche, en el horario de la costa este de Estados Unidos, leer las noticias matutinas turcas sobre Siria e Irak no me permite dormir. El insomnio es especialmente grave cuando mis pensamientos no solo se centran en la seguridad nuclear en Siria e Irak, sino en países de todo Oriente Medio. Todos los … Continued


A Framework for Tomorrow’s Pathogen Research Final Report Chairs Ravindra Gupta Ameenah Gurib-Fakim Shahid Jameel David Relman Directors Jesse Bloom Filippa Lentzos February 2024 Introduction Reasons for hope Reasons for caution Ethical obligations Research Governance Trust-building Recommendations Trust-building Across academia, industry, and governments, many scientists work in service of publics. An important part of that … Continued

Nuclear power in the future: risks of a lifetime

The operating licenses for some US nuclear power plants may be extended to 80 years, which raises questions about the safety of the oldest old reactors.
North Korea’s military parade on October 10, 2020

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does North Korea have in 2021?

This Nuclear Notebook column examines North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. The authors cautiously estimate that North Korea may have produced enough fissile material to build between 40 and 50 nuclear weapons; however, it may not have actually assembled that many.
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Coal, destroyer of civilizations

It’s time to ask what killed the industrial societies that we never knew existed.
A Russian Topol-M mobile missile at a 2012 parade.

Nuclear Notebook: Russian nuclear forces, 2020

This issue’s column examines Russia’s nuclear arsenal, which includes a stockpile of approximately 4,310 warheads. Of these, 1,570 strategic warheads are deployed on ballistic missiles and at heavy bomber bases, while an additional 870 strategic warheads, along with 1,870 nonstrategic warheads, are held in reserve. The Russian arsenal is continuing broad modernization intended to replace most Soviet-era weapons by the mid to late 2020s.

Grandes progresos desde Chernóbil, y la distancia que todavía falta recorrer

Una catástrofe es un suceso de gravedad y magnitud impredecibles que causa daños demasiado importantes como para permitir una rápida recuperación. Conlleva peligros que escapan a la esfera de lo controlable. De lo contrario, una catástrofe no sería una catástrofe, sino solo una crisis. Por lo tanto, la clave para manejar las catástrofes es prever, … Continued

Good safety regulation isn’t a partisan political issue

It appears there are misconceptions about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) performance depending upon where you stand. David Lochbaum believes that its regulations are fine but not well enforced. He cites dissatisfaction with the NRC from “both sides” not as a sign of fairness but rather incompetence. Victor Gilinsky challenges this notion, believing that NRC … Continued

The fallout never ended

As efforts to compensate victims of US nuclear weapons tests continue, a former Senate staffer and expert on the US nuclear program looks back at their harmful effects, and how the government addressed them—or didn't.
a sliver of river reflecting the sunset surrounded by shadow

The Rio Grande in crisis

The Rio Grande is drying up because of climate change and water diversion, leaving river ecosystems and wildlife high and dry.