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Search results for Koch

New roots of famine: How climate crises and global conflict combine to threaten millions in the Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa is on the verge of famine as the worst drought in 40 years has extended through its fourth rainy season, but drought alone is rarely what causes famine.

El camino es claro pero los viajeros están indecisos

Los seres humanos se han convencido muchas veces de que la tecnología los salvará del desastre. Han creído en el mito del cuerno de la abundancia, de un planeta tierra con recursos ilimitados. Algunas sociedades, como los mayas, sufrieron colapsos totales cuando sus tecnologías fallaron, o cuando la energía u otros recursos materiales escaseaban. Los … Continued
view from windmill

Tom Steyer on clean energy: It’s where the big money is going

In this interview with the Bulletin’s Dan Drollette Jr., investor, philanthropist, and former presidential candidate Tom Steyer talks about how to make the transition to a green economy just for workers, companies, and governments—and, speaking as a billionaire, what he thinks the private sector can do.

Modernización y “cero”: ¿tendencias compatibles?

La mayoría de los estados con armas nucleares, incluyendo a Estados Unidos y Rusia, han declarado en varias ocasiones su compromiso en deshacerse de las armas nucleares. Pero ningún estado con armas nucleares se sentirá listo para abandonar sus capacidades nucleares a menos que todas las otras naciones hagan lo mismo. Por lo tanto, las … Continued



Nuclear weapons: The death of fusion?

Nuclear fusion’s roots in weapons research may work against its development as a civilian energy source.

Russian nuclear weapons, 2024

Russia is modernizing all its Soviet-era nuclear-capable systems. We estimate that Russia now possesses about 4,380 nuclear warheads.

Who isn’t equipped for a pandemic or bioterror attack? The WHO

Annie Sparrow, a pediatrician and public health expert, is an assistant professor and deputy director of the Human Rights Program at the Arnold Global Health Institute at Mount Sinai in New York. Her extensive public health work has taken her to Afghanistan, Chad, Sudan, Kenya, and Somalia. Since 2012, her focus has been on the humanitarian and human rights catastrophe in Syria.
The NATO flag.

Can NATO evolve into a Climate Alliance Treaty Organization in the Middle East?

NATO’s current security doctrine needs to change. It needs to enhance its political will and institutional capacity to manage climate change threats, both within the alliance itself and within the area most vulnerable to its southern flank: the Middle East. NATO will need to evolve into a CATO, a “Climate Alliance Treaty Organization,” that deals with the security implications of potential tipping points and develops policies in response.

Spent nuclear fuel mismanagement poses a major threat to the United States. Here’s how.

A widespread collapse of the US power grid system—triggered by solar storms, physical attacks, or cyberattacks—could threaten nuclear facilities, including overloaded spent fuel pools.

Drones at nuclear power plants: enemies or helpers?

Small, unmanned aircraft can perform critical tasks after a nuclear accident, but may be a security threat otherwise. Here’s how to separate good drones from bad ones.

Kids are drawing pictures of the new coronavirus. That’s a good thing.

One concrete reflection of how children are experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen in something they do all the time: draw pictures.

Las decisiones nucleares y sus consecuencias duraderas

En la segunda ronda, Matthew Kroenig señaló que "Estados Unidos está debatiendo la modernización, pero Rusia está terminando de hacerlo". No es muy claro lo que mi colega quiso decir. ¿Cree Kroenig que el arsenal nuclear de Rusia es superior de manera cualitativa que el de Estados Unidos? Dicha creencia no tiene ningún fundamento. Si … Continued
smoky skies wildfire new york people

Don’t call toxic wildfire smoke on the East Coast the ‘new normal’

If this is the new normal, then people might start to think there’s nothing to be done except get used to it.

The NRC must ensure current levels of safety and performance as nuclear fleet expands

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is well-positioned to effectively take on new plant licensing and maintain its oversight of operating plants and its other responsibilities. Organizationally, the NRC created the Office of New Reactors in late 2006–separate from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation–to ensure that its primary responsibility of regulating operating plants wasn’t distracted … Continued

A reality check and a way forward for the global governance of artificial intelligence

No one global governance model for AI is perfect—or desirable. Instead, policy makers must pursue several models, each starting in a targeted and focused manner before evolving.

Cálculo del riesgo nuclear y fe en el ingenio humano

Justo cuando me senté a escribir mi último ensayo para esta mesa redonda, me enteré de que un accidente entre un autobús y dos automóviles en la autopista Mumbai-Pune, un pasaje muy transitado entre dos importantes ciudades indias, había causado la muerte de 17 personas. Según la edición del 6 de junio de The Times … Continued

Daily update from Japan

Friday, April 29, Tokyo As the situation at Fukushima is becoming less unpredictable, though not yet completely stabilized, and there is more information available, I will stop my daily writings on the nuclear power plant. Thank you very much for your encouragement and warm support. Sunday, April 24, 4 p.m. ET, Tokyo

Slow, measured nuclear energy growth is already happening

The extent to which Miles Pomper and I agree is greater than he realizes, as my underlying assumption is not that nuclear power is certain to undergo a “rapid” global expansion. While I’m certain that there will be an expansion and that it will be global–because it has already started–I’m equally certain that it won’t … Continued