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Donald Trump addresses Americans from the oval office.

Assessing Trump’s coronavirus approach: a Q&A with public health expert Saskia Popescu

With cases of COVID-19 mounting and financial markets falling, President Donald Trump once again sought to project a grip on the growing coronavirus outbreak in a Wednesday address. Public health expert Saskia Popescu told me a little about what she’s seeing on the front-lines of the fight against the disease threat and shared some thoughts on how the outbreak will end.

New safety-focused rules, rather than strict compliance would make for a safer nuclear industry

It’s true that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has had lapses in enforcement of its rules by giving the benefit of the doubt to utilities. David Lochbaum provides reasonable examples of such lapses. Conversely, there have been commissions that have had such a focus on compliance that utilities were forced to follow rules that had … Continued

Las armas nucleares no tienen sentido

La primera ronda dejó claro que el principal obstáculo para la prohibición de las armas químicas en Oriente Medio es que aparentemente Israel no está dispuesto a renunciar a su arsenal nuclear bajo ninguna circunstancia, mientras que Egipto se opone a participar en una zona libre de armas químicas hasta que Israel renuncie a sus … Continued
The Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in Central California. Photo credit: marya from San Luis Obispo, USA via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0 license

The Diablo Canyon nuclear plant: assessing the seismic risks of extended operation

If California decides to support license renewal of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, a portion of the “transition costs” that the Energy Department and the state may provide to keep the plant operating should be allocated to reducing its vulnerability to earthquakes. The risk is not negligible, and the potential costs of an earthquake-induced accident could, by our estimate, cause more than 10,000 cancer deaths and over $100 billion in damages.

A perspective on UNSCOM culture

In this article, the author—who served as special adviser to UNSCOM’s executive chair and spokesperson for UNSCOM for nearly four years—focuses on the way in which UNSCOM’s organization and culture evolved to adapt to its mission to destroy, remove, and render harmless Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and its long-range missiles.

To influence the debate, we must be part of the global nuclear energy discussion

I just returned from the Middle East and it’s abundantly clear that U.S. influence in that part of the world is receding. The financial meltdown that’s going on is also contributing to an international lack of confidence in U.S. policies and is affecting our ability to influence day-to-day events around the world. I have reflected … Continued

Delivering the nuclear promise: TVA’s sale of the Bellefonte nuclear power plant site

Even as Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz convened a “summit” to discuss more governmental assistance to the nation’s troubled nuclear power plants, the recent announcement by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that it is selling its northern Alabama site containing the unbuilt Bellefonte reactors should have sobered the summiteers. Even if the site’s appraised value of … Continued

Seguir avanzando en materia de seguridad nuclear sin las cumbres: un punto de vista africano

Algunos, como el Gobierno ruso, sostienen que las Cumbres sobre Seguridad Nuclear han agotado su capacidad para movilizar a la comunidad internacional para que ­asegure los materiales nucleares. Este argumento es incorrecto y peligroso. El terrorismo nuclear y radiológico sigue representando una amenaza y seguirá haciéndolo durante el futuro previsible. A su vez, a pesar … Continued

North Korean nuclear weapons, 2024

North Korea continues to modernize and grow its nuclear weapons arsenal. We estimate that North Korea may have produced enough fissile material for up to 90 nuclear warheads, but has likely assembled around 50.

Cutting power: How creative measures can end the EU’s dependence on Russian nuclear fuel

A staged approach to sanctions could help the EU end its nuclear fuel dependency on Russia—quickly and efficiently.
A health care worker prepares a COVID-19 vaccine.

Third time’s the charm? Vital questions about the White House’s COVID-19 vaccine plan

US officials point to data suggesting that breakthrough infections in vaccinated people leading to serious cases of COVID-19 could start to tick up. The Biden administration announced that vaccinated people could begin receiving booster shots in September.
sunflower sea star

Sea stars pushed to edge of extinction by warming oceans

The once-common treasure of the tide pool is at risk of being eradicated along the Pacific coast, by a deadly combination of disease and warming oceans caused by climate change.

Calculando el valor de un banco internacional de combustible

En los años recientes, la idea de establecer un banco internacional de combustible nuclear ha ganado notoriedad, con los EEUU y otras naciones del Occidente promoviendo el concepto y esforzándose para hacerlo una realidad. Un ejemplo simple de cómo podría funcionar un banco de combustible es el acuerdo del año 2009 que se pactó entre … Continued

Calculando el valor de un banco internacional de combustible

En los años recientes, la idea de establecer un banco internacional de combustible nuclear ha ganado notoriedad, con los EEUU y otras naciones del Occidente promoviendo el concepto y esforzándose para hacerlo una realidad. Un ejemplo simple de cómo podría funcionar un banco de combustible es el acuerdo del año 2009 que se pactó entre … Continued

Russia’s information war: painful truths vs. comfortable lies

Russians desperate for political change are running up against a quirk of human psychology that Kremlin propagandists count on: Citizens often prefer comfortable lies over painful truths, even when they know they are being deceived.

A Ukrainian expert assesses the possible impact of a military attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

As the IAEA conducts its risky mission at the embattled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, a Ukrainian expert assesses the possible impact of a military attack on the plant.

¿Por qué no solucionan los problemas?

En la primera ronda, los autores que participaron en la mesa redonda identificaron varios problemas que deben ser resueltos, especialmente si los países en vías de desarrollo quieren ser más eficaces durante la detección y la respuesta a las enfermedades emergentes y re-emergentes, o durante la prevención y detección de emisiones accidentales o intencionales de … Continued

Limitemos la contaminación por carbono, no a los contaminadores

¿La población es una variable importante en las emisiones de carbono? Sin dudas. Sin embargo, dista de ser la única variable y no determina de ninguna manera las emisiones de carbono. Tomemos como ejemplo a China, un país en el que las tendencias de crecimiento demográfico y de emisiones han diferido ampliamente en las últimas … Continued

Beyond our imagination: Fukushima and the problem of assessing risk

The multiple and ongoing accidents at the Fukushima reactors come as a reminder of the hazards associated with nuclear power. As with the earlier severe accidents at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, it will take a long time before the full extent of what happened at Fukushima becomes clear. Even now, though, Fukushima sheds light on the troublesome and important question of whether nuclear reactors can ever be operated safely.
North Korean ICBM on parade

Nuclear Notebook: How many nuclear weapons does North Korea have in 2022?

This Nuclear Notebook examines North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. The authors cautiously estimate that North Korea may have produced enough fissile material to build between 45 and 55 nuclear weapons; however, it may have only assembled 20 to 30.