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How Biden can advance nuclear arms control and stability with Russia and China

By Pranay Vaddi | January 12, 2021

New START negotiators Rose Gottemoeller, then-Assistant Secretary of State for Verification, Compliance and Implementation and Ambassador Anatoly Antonov of the Russian Federation made a joint presentation on the New START Treaty to international arms control diplomats at a June 3, 2010 plenary of the Conference on Disarmament. (Government photo)

How Biden can advance nuclear arms control and stability with Russia and China

By Pranay Vaddi | January 12, 2021


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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


Erickson, A. 2019. “U.S.-China Military-to-Military Relations.” The National Bureau of Asian Research, July 30.

Panda, A. 2018. “New Video Shows Moment of Near-Collision Between US and Chinese Warship in South China Sea.” The Diplomat, November 5.

Vaddi, P. and J. Acton. 2020. “A ReSTART for U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Enhancing Security Through Cooperation.” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 2.

Zhang, H. 2018. “Why China stopped making fissile material for nukes.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 15.

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